National Repository of Online Courses
Developmental Math—An Open Program
Unit Home The Unit Home provides you with directions for how the Pre-Assessment works. Click on the menu bar at the top of the screen to select the Pre-Assessment, My Learning Path, or Unit Map.
Right click anywhere in the window and select Full Screen from the pop-up menu to enter Full Screen mode. Press the Esc key to exit Full Screen mode.
Why Take a Pre-Assessment? Each Unit includes a Pre-Assessment, which is a set of questions to show you how much of the content you already know. By answering questions correctly, you will be able to skip Topics or even the entire Unit. This lets you focus on those Topics that have content you do not yet know, which will save you time and effort.
Pre-Assessment Start Page In the Pre-Assessment, you take a test to determine what math you already know for the Unit. Your answers will determine what Topics you will need to study and what Topics you can skip.
Once you start, you must complete the Pre-Assessment. If you leave, your progress will not be saved.
How to Skip Questions As you take the Pre-Assessment, if you cannot answer a question, you can skip it. To do so, click the Skip button at the bottom of the screen.
Since the Pre-Assessment is to show you how much of the content you already know, it is better to skip questions than to guess the answers. For example, if you don't know the math for a specific question but you guessed the answer correctly, you would be able to skip the content even though you don't know the math. If you skip Topics you don't know, you may not be prepared to take a graded assignment.
Progress Bar A progress indicator in the lower left will show you how many questions (or sets of questions) you have left to answer. As you work through the questions, you may be asked additional follow-up questions to better identify your level of understanding of the learning objectives. These additional questions will not display in the progress indicator.
My Learning Path After you answer all of the Pre-Assessment questions for a Unit, a path through the Unit will be created just for you (My Learning Path). There may be Topics that you do not need to take based on your results, and My Learning Path shows only those Topics that you still need to take. We suggest taking the Topics in the order they are shown in My Learning Path, since each Topic builds on the previous ones.
Unit Map The Unit Map provides you with a list of all of the Topics in the Unit, sorted by lesson. If you choose not to take the Pre-Assessment or follow My Learning Path, you can click the Unit Map button to see all of the Topics in the Unit.
Key The Key
is shown for My Learning Path and the Unit Map. It shows you
Unit Progress Bar The Unit Progress bar shows you how much of the Unit you have completed. As you Master or Pass Topics on the Unit Map, the bar will update to reflect your progress.
Viewing a Topic Once you click on a topic to view it, you can always get back to the Unit Map by clicking the link in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.